A flexible challenge

Have you ever wanted to try eating less meat?


The classic Meatless March involves avoiding eating meat for one month. Set your unique goal with our planning tool.

People participate for different reasons.

Eating less meat has been shown to have significant health and environmental benefits, both for humans and for the animals around us. It provides an opportunity to incorporate more vegetables, beans, nuts, fruits, and whole grains into the diet.


Ready to accept the challenge?

All you need to succeed is the desire to try, a clear game plan, and the support from friends and allies around you. Progress is the goal, whether it’s one dinner a week without meat or the entire month. See the ‘Details’ page for tips on meal planning and cost saving.


“The month that changed my life!”

— Keenan H., Meatless March 2020

You don’t have to do it alone. Connect with other participants and let’s support each other!


Reach out via email to receive occasional news, recipes, and more!

Help us spread the word about this free, voluntary challenge.